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Yogic wisdom

Sometimes, I wonder how our Gods end up as characters on underwear, our religion ends up as nothing more than two paragraphs on the caste system in western textbooks and the sitar as a hippy instrument among various other degradations. Chalk it up to sadhus who preach ludicrous cures for cancer! Why does yoga need to be spread this way? Why can't Ramdev encourage people to practise yoga purely for its meditative and stress-busting benefits? Somehow I feel he is no better than the thousands of other "gurus" that have sprung over the last decade who breach their own "brand" of yoga and try to patent it. And if not patent it, try to glorify it beyond what it is.

This constant obsession with glorifying Indian tradition in medicine or any other field is partly borne by an inferiority complex and partly by alienation. Ramdev feels left out of the vast strides that modern medicine is making in tackling diseases. He can in no way contribute to modern pharmaceutical R&D because he doesn't hold any genuine doctorate and probably has not even had a complete education. Instead, he would equate a disease that has its roots in a phenomenon as complicated as mutating cells to something as simple as "wrong breathing".

Now, before all sorts of yoga followers begin criticizing me, I would like to reiterate that my problem lie with the man and his institutional beliefs, not the practice of yoga, which is a very healthy form of exercise. Stick to the fundamentals, yoga = healthy, and the whole world will follow you. But stray from the truth into the land of half-truths and lies and you not only hurt yourself, you also unwittingly hurt that which you espouse.


I wouldn't be skeptical of all things that Ramdev is doing because of any one instance, though I agree that it does hurt the credibility.

While Western medicine has its advantages and benefits, I do think that medicinal practices like Ayurveda and Chinese Acupuncture (both of which do not fit in with Western modality) can offer a lot to the world. In fact, tests have shown the benefits of Acupuncture and it is now recommended by Western medicine as a cure for certain ailments, even though there is little understanding of the mechanism according to Western science. A while ago, attempts were made to patent turmeric's medicinal benefits when it is common knowledge in India. Also check out this link:
This was used by Mayans and Aboriginal people, and is now accepted by Western medicine.

Also, many Western medicines come with a long list of side-effects - so it's not perfect.

I personally have positive experience of using Ayurveda medicine. I think Ayurveda shouldn't be rejected, and deserves a thorough study - free and independent of any attempts to politicize it.


4:34 PM

This constant obsession with glorifying Indian tradition in medicine or any other field is partly borne by an inferiority complex and partly by alienation.

I beg to disagree with this sweeping generalization. Or, I could argue back that always looking to the West and dismissing Indian heritage comes from the same inferiority complex that you mention. ;)

Why do you think that Indian tradition has nothing to offer? I personally have explored and benefited from yoga, Ayurveda and meditation - all from India. There is a big difference between glorifying and examining/researching. Let's not confuse the two. If you don't know already, look up bio-piracy.


4:41 PM

But stray from the truth into the land of half-truths and lies and you not only hurt yourself, you also unwittingly hurt that which you espouse.

I couldn't agree more with you there. I'm not defending Ramdev and his unsubstantiated claims, but please keep in mind that the media also does its best to create controversies where there are none, and it's not that difficult to twist people's words to suit one's own purpose.


4:48 PM

I think you gotta be proud that he has influenced soo many ppl and made them healthier.
A commendable number of ppl i know have stopped complaining of heart trouble,BP problems etc and even little things such as loss of hair/bad skin etc thanks to Yoga.
Yoga/pranayama might not be a definite cure for cancer but it definitely helps a person suffering from the same recuperate faster.

10:51 PM

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